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Writer's picture: Tris CalasanzTris Calasanz

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

Actual ENERGY INDEPENDENCE became 56% in 1983. This is energy dependence of 44% from 96% in 10 years.

In 1973, the Philippines was experiencing extreme ENERGY DEPENDENCE of 96% upon the outside world. It was seen that the resources of the Country could elevate its position in the world, as the Philippines was elevating PEOPLE’S lives.

What did the Philippines do in the 10 years preceeding?

And the 620 Megawatts from the Philippine Nuclear Power Plant No 1 did not yet count because the Nuclear fuel rods were not yet allowed to start the controlled nuclear reactor. However, in 1982, it generated 20 MW and supplied it to the grid for 20 minutes as part of the commissioning process. The circulating pumps were activated to generate steam from the friction created by the impellers.

Energy Independence would have climbed HIGHER than 56%, if the nuclear power plant was operated in 1982 as SCHEDULED. And the Country would have paid for LOANS from income, and not simply dished out USD2billion PLUS Interest Payments, while NOT operating a SAFE and ENVIRONMENTALLY friendly nuclear power plant.

Bullet-points for the answer to the question.

  • The Country spent about three years of negotiations to sign a contract with Westinghouse Electric Corporation for the PNPP#1. In comparison with the Fukushima nuclear reactors, the Westinghouse design is a non-boiling reactor that has a NEGATIVE temperature COEFFICIENT that reduces nuclear reaction BY ITSELF, even without human intervention. This is the opposite of the Fukushima accidents’ boiling water nuclear reactors, as told by an article. In short, if the Fukushima accident happens at PNPP#1, the temperature of the moderating water inside the reactor would increase, bringing the distance between hydrogen atoms farther apart. The neutrons will not be slowed down enough to split the Uranium 235 (U235) atom in the fuel rods. This is similar to billiards pool where the cue ball does not hit objects in succession. Reduced nuclear chain reaction brings down power. PNPP#1 has a SAFER nuclear reactor.

  • Why #1? The Philippines had eleven to twelve possible sites for nuclear power plants. The foundation for PNPP#2 adjacent to Unit #1 has already been dug and built up and is now ready for the construction of the second unit. Construction of Unit #2 will simply remove the earth that has been filled to the foundation of Unit #2, making the construction schedule much shorter, while NOT disturbing the continued operation of Unit #1.

  • The Philippines decided to build the Geothermal Power Plants in Tongonan, Tiwi, Makiling-Banahaw, and Palimpinon. In themselves, they generated power to supply customers of the Philippines, NOT from power generated from foreign imported fuel, but from the Philippines’ INDIGENOUS resources.

  • In addition, the Philippines decided to become free from foreign imports for industry. This was through ELEVEN industrial programs. In the first project to implement one of the programs, the WISDOM was to place a copper smelter and refinery near the geothermal power plant in Tongonan. This was named PASAR (Philippine Associated Smelting and Refining Plant.)

    • The country no longer exported copper core nor imported finished products for their use. Such products are internally produced.

  • And HIGH valued copper is very important to the world. It can be recycled. And when this recycling is done in the Philippines, the country does not lose copper, nor needs to import it. As a result, copper that the Philippines mines, stays within the country.

  • The country processed Its own copper core, using power from the country’s GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES and built-in more high value into products.

  • The country became COPPER IMPORT INDEPENDENT.

  • Within the 10 years, 1982 in fact, the Kalayaan Pumped Storage Power Plants (KPSPP) MADE the ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM of the Philippines ENVIOUSLY EFFICIENT.

    • Big Base-Load power plants kept operating more times at their high efficiency levels. Power plants operate more efficiently at high power output levels. This puts the cost of electricity at LEAST COST. In comparison, a transport vehicle going slow will travel less kilometers per liter of fuel burned. In both technologies, better efficiency is attained when operating at higher load levels.

  • One says Ooops. .What happens in evenings when the system load goes down so much that these plants will need to shut down? And it takes days to start-up after they have been shut down. And worse yet is to place them idling without or with very small load. Wow, generation cost radically goes up, because the plants’ efficiencies DIVE DOWN. And ECHNOLOGICALLY, decrease in efficiency does not happen in the Philippines! What happens is the highest efficiency technologically possible.

  • So, when the system load goes down, KPSPP is operated as a PUMP – a system load that uses excess power to be given by the grid. This pump takes water from Laguna Lake and brings it to Lake Caliraya, which has an elevation of 309 meters or 1014 feet. The elevation of Laguna Lake is less than 2 meters (6 feet and 7 inches) above sea level. Power delivered to the pump minus losses, becomes the POTENTIAL ENERGY of the pumped water.

  • When the system load goes up, the potential energy of this PUMPED WATER is recovered by letting it come down and through the machine that brought it up to Caliraya to RUN AS GENERATOR.

  • Was the FACT published that the BUSINESS COMMUNITY greatly APPRECIATED the commissioning of KPSPP? The Community treated it as a bank. They did the maintenance shutown of their factories, and the National Power Corporation and the Business Community kept record of the quantity of water pumped to Caliraya for the Community to use during power shortage. This was a deposit and withdraw concept for everyone to operate along COOPERATION and TRUST.

  • In this condition, water at Angat Dam, and other dams are CONSERVED for drinking and/or irrigation water.

  • Without KPSPP, the Philippines would have SPENT money to build power plants that will supply the power that is now from KPSPP.

  • As a consequence of such spending, the Electric Power System will be less efficient.

  • The Philippines would LOSE Its opportunity to IMPROVE Its Energy Independence with such a replacement plant for KPSPP.



President FEM implanted his view of his Country through his “MISSIONARY ELECTRIFICATION” for Filipinos who CANNOT be reached by the electric wires connected to the grid. The National Power Corporation followed him by setting up the Small Power Utilities Group, SPUG.

Unification of his DREAM of ELECTRIFICATION includes the 36,000-kilometer long shores. COMMUNITIES along these shores include barrios, towns, cities, etc. They will gain BENEFITS from his “Missionary Electrification.” These BENEFITS will be seen in INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN (IRR). The INVESTMENT will be RECOVERED in one to three years, depending upon location.

Why is this to be TRUE? In technologies of power generation, only about 30% to 40% of the energy generates electricity at high generation capacity levels. Generation variations up or down will BRING EFFICIENCY DOWN. The remainder is WASTED into the ENVIRONMENT. And the cost of wasted energy is INCLUDED in the cost of electricity to customers. The WORST characteristic of such Foreign Technology is that the WASTED energy is included in the price of Electricity. And to COMPOUND this heavy burden for the customer is that such wasted energy generates a PROFIT for the energy supplier.

This WASTE into the ENVIRONMENT contributes to HARM for the PLANET and for the HUMAN BEING. Advanced foreign technology discharges a lot of Carbon Dioxide and other Warming Gases to ADD to the WARMING conditions of the Planet and the HEALTH of the Human Being.

His KPSPP DREAM continues.

This DREAM will DEPART from this World Technology into ONE FUEL that produces Electricity, Potable Water, Salt, Dryer Energy and Chilling/Ice-Making, from Sea Water at about 3.5% salinity.

This is NOT DONE by the countries belonging to the first world today. It will be INTRODUCED to the world BY THE PHILIPPINES by BENEFITING from the value of this TECHNOLOGY.

  • Electricity LEAST COST to users WITHOUT government subsidy will be HALF or LESS THAN ONE-THIRD of Luzon Grid.

    • This FILIPINO GIFT to the World allows the CONVERSION of TRICYCLES and other vehicles into HYBRID-ELECTRIC vehicles to simply SURPASS many TECHNOLOGIES of the World

  • This includes turning tricycles into ELECTRIC and/or HYBRID-ELECTRIC transportation vehicles

  • Reliable supply of electricity WITHOUT usual power interruptions, which are called brownouts in the Philippines

  • Power in Batteries to drive threshers, rice mills, ice-makers, chillers, plaza movies and public address systems, fingerling farms and fishponds, and home lights and entertainment equipment, etc.


    • Operating the NEW TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM

  • Carrying REPLACEMENT batteries to replace the expense and function of wires from grids, while generating a useful JOB. The traditional technology required grids and distribution wires from grids, which simply provides income and profits to those who invested in the wires and/or Diesel Power Plants. Customers at the end of the wires provide such income and profits to the investor. Such money is taken from the customer’s income.

  • This New Technology ALLOWS the USERS of Electricity to “CIRCULATE” the MONEY around so that Money stays WITHIN COMMUNITIES for their OWN BENEFIT. This is in contrast to Money TAKEN OUT and AWAY from the Community.

  • This system CONTINUES the MISSIONARY ELECTRIFICATION of remote areas, making them MORE PROSPEROUS.

  • WIDENS the production of “for EXPORT” and for the LOCAL market

    • Copra for Export without Aflatoxin

    • Dried Sea Food (tuyo, danggit, dried shrimp or “hae bee”, cheaper bagoong)

    • Farm Produce (dried mangoes, dried bananas, seeds, perfumes)

    • Operators for transportation, rice mills, home-made weaving looms

    • Mga Tindahan (small family or community stores)

    • Carriers of gasoline

    • Electricians and Mechanics

    • Schools for Arts and Trades to provide skills to workers

    • Farming of Sugpo (prawns), shrimps, hito (catfish)

  • Power Plants with REVERSE OSMOSIS could “channel” their CLEAN DISCARDS (without chemicals) to this System to HARVEST drinking WATER, and SALT from it

  • Recovering FREE ENERGY in WASTE HEAT. This DREAM includes Sea Water providing communities with

    • NOT RELIABLE needing Connection to a Grid, making their Electricity more

    • CLEAN and SAFE Potable Water

    • Clean Food-Quality Sea Salt with a SALT FARM with miniscule hectarage compared to traditional salt farms

    • DRYERS for rice, corn, danggit, tuyo, food, eliminate the growth of AFLATOXINS in copras and make them of EXPORT quality

    • Chilling Energy for Farm and/or Sea Harvest with engines 200 horsepower and above, have enough energy recovered for the purpose


    • Revenue (engine from car or an engine normally intended for general purpose with the rated net 200 horsepower)

      • Electricity (incl support for Transport at ₱3.00/kwh): 481/hr

(Note: Current Manila price per kilowatt-hour is ₱9.55, which is more than 3 times the price that can be achieved here. Using ₱9.00/kwh for a total of 149 kwh output gives electric revenue at ₱1,444/hr)

  • Water (1,942 liters/hour sold in Hotels in Bohol: ₱10,000/hr): 10,000/hr

(Note: Cost of drinking water is very variable. For instance, Summit water sells at ₱27.92 per liter, or Income of about ₱54,000/hour)

(Note: A 90% Discount, a price of ₱2.79 per liter makes the FILIPINO Recover ₱4M Investment in ONE year)

  • Salt (at USD 300/metric ton sold to the world by Alibaba): 1,050/hr

(Note: Salt is imported recently at USD 550/metric ton)

  • DRYER (Note: ZERO income for NOW. Any Income from the Dryer will make the Technology even BETTER!)

Dryer - Valued when a decision is made, such as Drying Energy for Rice, Danggit, Food, Copra (with NO Aflatoxin growth becomes eligible for EXPORT), etc

  • Revenue PhP per hour: ₱11,531

  • Expense per hour: ₱ 6,463

    • Gasoline per hour: ₱ 5,900

    • Manpower (6 people @ ₱15,000 each per month): ₱ 563

  • Income per hour = Revenue (₱11,531) LESS Expense (₱6,463): ₱ 5,069

Note: The IRR is reflected by the values of unit prices.

Note: Manpower Salary is 15,000 x 6 x 13 = 1,170,000 per year OR 563 per hour

  • Internal Rate of Return for an Investment of PhP2.0 million: 2,190%

Note: This estimate of ₱2 million investment would not be too low. The most variable factor in this amount is the cost of the salt pond, land where the Technology is erected, and the economic status of the location.

Note: In anycase, the greater impact is the FREE ENERGY available to the system.

Note: The Manpower estimate of 6 people may be sufficient if the SCADA system of this New Technology is considered.

  • Internal Rate of Return for an Investment of PhP4.0 million: 1,095%

  • Internal Rate of Return for an Investment of PhP6.0 million: 730%

  • Internal Rate of Return for an Investment of PhP29.0 million: 151%

  • Recovery of the Investment is estimated by deciding on the best selling rates of the products. The DRYING income will also be considerable when decided upon.

  • After Recovery of Investment, Income becomes GRAVY to the COMMUNITY


Other COUNTRIES will be asking the Philippines for LICENSES to bring this TECHNOLOGY home. The total length of shores in the world would be many times longer than the Philippines’ 36,000 kilometers of shores.

YES, the Philippines includes the World as Its Community for this technology. And this is the GIFT of the Philippines to the WORLD.

IN RECAP, what are the BENEFITS?

  • There is a saying that People will NOT try something NEW unless others have already tried it FIRST.

    • YES, the Philippines has already TRIED and SUCCEED

ED in MANY NEW Technologies.

  • In ESSENCE, these have NOT been COPIED from other countries, because they were in ACCORDANCE with the technical requirements of locations in the Philippines.

  • ONE FUEL produces MANY products – ALL the products at the energy cost of ONLY ONE FUEL source.

  • NO LONGER USEFUL is Energy that is thrown away and WASTED by EXISTING FOREIGN and so-called ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES that concentrate on the aim for PROFIT

  • The Filipino Technology respects the ENVIRONMENT with the GIFT to the WORLD of one fuel being used to greatly REDUCE environmental pollution.


    • Small Stores

    • Labor

    • Learnings in Arts and Trade

    • etc.


    • ELECTRICITY becomes the AFFORDABLE and TANGIBLE “missionary electrification”, helping

      • Weaving Looms

      • No need for connection to the grid

      • Homes that are provided a battery bank of 5 batteries that is used one at a time and automatically switched. When there are 2 left, an automatic signal is sent and replacements will come and clipped on to replace the 3


  • PONDS for FISH CULTURE and/or FINGERLINGS will IMPROVE Productivity in paddles that increase the dissolved oxygen content of the water

  • Community Halls can have Audio and/or Movie capabilities

  • Reliability and Stability in incidents of Storms, Floods, Earthquakes


    • Reduction of sea water infiltration into the water table, because the pumping of water from the ground will have a replacement

    • Developed countries produce drinking water from sea water through a Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant. 3.5% salinity is forced through memberane to filter the water and dispose of the output at about 6.5% salinity. When disposed at higher salinity, the water from the RO plant kills the living organisms in the sea nearby and spread into larger areas of the sea.

      • This Filipino System will NOT discard concentrated brine into the sea. After it has taken most of the water portion of the sea water, the system will catch very highly CONCENTRATED brine onto a salt drying pond. The pond allows the water with the wet salt to evaporate and leave the salt crystals for harvesting. This pond will be much SMALLER than the traditional. In many parts of the Philippines, sea water is admitted onto ponds. Water evaporates and leave the salt crystals for harvesting.

      • Reduces DISEASES transmitted from ground, well water, etc


    • REVIVE the SALT INDUSTRY. Many salt farms in the Philippines were converted into something else. 550,000 metric tons of salt per year or 96% were imported at the cost of $550.91 per metric ton

    • This new salt industry will replace some of the imported quantities. In detail, these imports are around 72 percent of the country's requirements are sourced from Australia, 18.7 percent from China, 4.2 percent from Thailand, and 2.39 percent from New Zealand.

    • A small salt pond for concentrated saline to evaporate the remaining moisture. This will be much smaller than the area that CURRENT technology needs

    • Salt-Making is ALL YEAR ROUND, and not only during the summer months

    • With FREE ENERGY, the Salt Pond can be a tray heated up by the Home-Grown DRYER to evaporate the moisture, and this process can happen ALL YEAR ROUND

    • BAGOONG Quality and/or Salted Products Radically Improve

    • SALT for Food Manufacturers and Producers of FEED materials, such as Chlorine, etc


    • DRYERS will improve quality of inputs to Rice Mills

  • CHILLING and ICE-MAKING from FREE ENERGY for Farm and/or Sea Harvest with engines 200 horsepower and above



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