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Who erected those mountains?

And those rocks?

How about the water?

- - waves? splashes? erosions?

How did this look 20 million years ago?

The Way Life has been DRAWN . . .
Great Indeed!
May not be RETRACED

And this is the WAY it IS!
Drawn in a PDF file and three VIDEOs

(Note: Clipchamp provided the background music "Autumn Dunes" for free)




Click Bulbs to GO there

One Fuel - Many Products



All technologies are accepted in   

      Engineering . . .

When put together,

It is not promoted in the known World . . .

Even in countries with ADVANCED

      Technologies . . .

And this is for the COMMUNITY . . .

And for the WORLD . . .

One Fuel - Many Products



There are many ways of doing things . . .

      How are they done here?


Do you need to be RICH?

      YES, at heart . . .

One Fuel - Many Products

PART C - Operations of Electric Tricycle and Hybrid-Electric Tricycle (HET)


In gasoline Engines (ICEs), the LOWER the

      load, the HIGHER the wasted energy.


In this technology,


      such as 90%.

One Fuel Many Outputs


When compared with outputs and effects in advanced technologies,

- the total cost for advanced will be many times higher than the costs here

- this will release to the environment be very low pollution

- with this, the benefits to Communities will provide better life for them

- this system will be best when installed along the 36,289-km shorelines


Would the project be GREAT for

   Bongao, Sulu, and other shores?


Jobs Created

Jobs include

o-Carry Load




o-Tend to Rice

o-Community Development

o-Operate System

o-Deliver Water and Salt

o-Tend to salt pond

o-Arrange goods at drier

o-Office work

o-Fuel management


Electric Tricycle and/or

Hybrid-Electric Tricycle


- Electrical Drive used for a small race car is installed here

- Charged batteries replace discharged batteries

- In hybrid, motor cycle operates ONLY at most efficient HIGH loads

     --- This is at its highest efficiency

- Electric motor runs outside high loads at about 90% to 95% efficiency

Clean Drinking Water


Drinking water becomes abundant and very cheap
- Production of comes to an estimated 1,942 liters per hour

- Provides NEW INCOME for the Community

- Safeguards the underground water

     --- Prevents over-pumping of ground water

     --- Stops salt water infiltration making the aquifer water salty and

               eventually non-potable

- STOPS the spread of disease passed on by ground-water

- The Community will need less treatments and medicines

Quality Copra Exportable with no Aflatoxin

Drinking water becomes abundant and very cheap
- Production of comes to an estimated 1,942 liters per hour

- Provides NEW INCOME for the Community

- Safeguards the underground water

     --- Prevents over-pumping of ground water

     --- Stops salt water infiltration making ground water salty and non-


- STOPS the spread of disease passed on by ground-water

- The Community will need less treatments and medicines

Salt Farms


-- Salt farms have been a traditional way of producing salt

     --- Some countries produce salt from sea water

     --- Some from brine coming from salty lakes

-- The sun is allowed to warm the farm leaving salt behind

-- Others simply import salt

      --- Neither do they have salty water or salt deposits


-- Countries with so much shorelines are BLESSED

-- They have the sea as their TREASURE CHEST

Dried Fish


The Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) has always been considered the best technology that Industry must RESPECT and procure for the development of a National Economy. 


The Technology here says:

1) "Why throw so much energy to the Environment as WASTE? RECOVER it and USE IT . . . Don't require the Community to pay for all that waste.

2) "If the recovered energy is used, isn't this FREE ENERGY that can be used to give the Community water for drinking, salt for use and replace importation, and dryer for tapa, tuyo, danggit, rice drying, copra drying, and many other applications."

3) "And if the best approach is to run the ICE at high loads, dosn't it make sense to store generated electricity in batteries so that the Community is given the opportunity to convert their tricycles into 'electric vehicles' and/or 'hybrid-electric vehicles'. And is it extremely clear that new jobs would be created?"

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is an indication of whether the owners of a business will see achievement and successes in their investment. Included is the length of time that will allow them ro recover their investment.


This project looks at the sense of the equality of People. A Credit Union, for example, owns the Business and ALL the MEMBERS own the Credit Union with equal votes.


The Members all SHARE the profits. 

Coming to this section:
-- more about supply of electricity
-- rice drier
-- dried fish
-- ducks and fishponds
-- fingerlinks
-- prawn farms

Up to HERE for now . . .
--- other sections also being edited

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